The Constitution of the RINJ Foundation

  1. ( Board Signed Copy )

  2. ( Articles of Incorporation )

  3. ( Board Of Directors)

  4. ( Guidelines For Board Members

  5. ( Donations

The RINJ Foundation Purpose 

-      To exist for the benefit of the general public.

-      To help prevent rape and sexual assault crime.

-      To assist those who have become survivors of rape and sexual assault crime.

The RINJ Foundation Objectives

1.    To educate and increase the public's awareness of the basic principle of The RINJ Foundation, that "Rape Is No Joke".

2.    To educate the public and professionals about prevention of, and responses to, rape and all sexual abuse against all people by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting and disseminating information on that topic.

3.    To assist those affected by rape and sexual abuse through counseling and treatment programs.

4.    To train police officers, military personnel teachers, social workers, and crisis response workers on how to recognize and respond to sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, online sexual exploitation, and to assist those affected.

5.    To assist institutions where possible in using the most modern methodology for gathering and evaluation evidence for the prosecution of rape crime.

6.    Assist and encourage a new United Nations effort to end the use of rape as a weapon of war.

7.    As an NGO (Non-Government Organization) to assist the United Nations efforts of monitoring and investigation of reports of the rape of persons in regions of conflict or war and to assist agencies bring support to victims and (through accurate and impartial evidence gathering by volunteers and paid workers) bring justice to perpetrators.

Note: What Is Rape and Sex Assault?

Sex assault is any type of sexual behavior or contact where consent is not freely given or obtained and is accomplished through force, intimidation, violence, coercion, manipulation, threat, deception, or abuse of authority.

Background ~ The Corporate Culture Of The RINJ Foundation

The RINJ Foundation, educating & uniting against rape.


Past and Sustaining Goals, Accomplishments, and Aspirations

1) Our short term goal from the outset was to have Facebook and other social media online change their policies to end allowing pro-rape groups and end allowing images, videos and themes that were pro-sexual violence toward woman and children groups. 

2) In the long term we all want to see an end to the prolific rape of women by the human species. Sexual assault of any type is not tolerable and should be left to the past. 

3) The past is something we cannot change but we can make certain the truth of it is told and not forgotten. 

4) Make certain that corporations are not profiting from pro-rape content pages and pro-rape culture.


The RINJ Foundation began as a single mission group in 2010 and expanded into an international organization Headquartered in Canada.

The RINJ Foundation seeks to educate about the perils of perpetuating a rape culture and explaining why removal of media content condoning sexual assault and rape is important. Allowing this content on social networking sites and in other media further normalizes a rape culture and the high instance of sexual assault.


Background – General Work of The RINJ Foundation Volunteers

The RINJ Foundation began as a Canadian-based organization with global reach that:

1.    monitors media content;

2.    educates social media and other media outlets about the perils of misogyny and rape culture;

3.    monitors and reports international law news;

4.    monitors and reports on global court proceedings related to sexual assault;

5.    promotes a more learned and open discussion of the issues of sexual assault;

6.    promotes education for the safety of the person;

7.    seeks a higher adherence to safe community standards.

8.    seeks stiffer penalties for rapists;

9.    promotes the creation of a better criminal justice system; and

10. seeks to advance a RAPE-averse social conscience.

The RINJ Foundation is very aggressive in sharing knowledge and news while in its pursuit of change in the way courts administer punishment to rapists; what known, wanted sex offenders are on the loose; the manner in which law enforcement investigates complaints; and how victims in war-torn countries find remedy. By informing the world through its digital and hard-copy publications, RINJ Foundation seeks to prevent and end rape.

In response to a new series of internet rape-content and court evidentiary issues RINJ was formalized in late summer 2011 by the people who were involved in supporting the victim of the Canadian Pitt Meadows rape case, 2010.

Background – Cleaning Up The Rape-Culture In Media

RINJ has sought and obtained the removal of web and other media content that condones sexual violence.
1) RINJ reports all inappropriate content to the public, advertisers and law enforcement where that seems appropriate.
2) RINJ reports to advertisers any ads appearing on pro-rape, pro-child-molestation media content, web pages and social network groups.
3) RINJ promotes a global boycott of advertisers and their products advertised on pro-rape content in any media.


Type of Organization
The RINJ Foundation is a Canadian Not-For-Profit ‘Foundation’ incorporation.


Members of the Organization

Any person 18 years or older may claim to be a member of The RINJ Foundation. Most members are people who support the The RINJ Foundation by joining as “members” in social media (people who “join”, “like”, “follow”, “support” The RINJ Foundation on,, Google Plus, MySpace, Pinterest, and more)  and who sign up as supporters on the web sites.

1.    Any person who considers themselves to be a “Member of RINJ Foundation” is prima facia accepted as such unless their conduct would indicate otherwise.

2.    Members have no entitlement to any asset, share or real property of The RINJ Foundation.

3.    Each member may have one vote in matters to be decided by plebiscite.

4.    Each member shall have the ability to communicate their ideas, views and opinions to the Board of Directors c/o the Executive Director of The RINJ Foundation by viable means provided by The RINJ Foundation.

Organization Structures – Board of Directors

·         The structure of the RINJ Foundation is comprised of a Board of Directors, an Executive Director with CEO-quality functions and various appointed Project Managers reporting to the Executive Director.  

·         The Executive Director shall appoint Project Managers.

·         The Executive Director shall prepare budgets and financial plans for the Foundation and keep the Board of Directors informed in all aspects of the execution of its strategies.

·         The Board of Directors is comprised of 3 to 9 persons from the general business community and is responsible for the general guidance of the Executive Director and setting overall strategies for the Foundation.

·         The Board of Directors may, on a vote, when asked to do so by the Executive Director or following a motion and vote by the board, appoint new board members up to a total of nine.

·         The main procedure of operational level decision-making in the organization is by general consensus of project managers with the Executive Director and where no consensus can be achieved the Board of Directors through its Executive Director, makes the decision.

·         Strategic direction is established by the Board of Directors under advice from the Executive Director.

·         The annual general meeting of The RINJ Foundation shall be held late August to Mid-September each year. Any member may attend.

·         Elections and appointments for the different structures of the organization shall happen and shall be deemed to have happened when the Board of Directors so directs.

·         All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be final.

Project Managers

·         Project Managers may be assigned operating instructions, budgets and full autonomy within those two constraints notwithstanding full oversight and control by the Executive Director.

·         Achieving the work of The RINJ Foundation is the responsibility of the Executive Director.

Duties of the Executive Director

·         The Executive Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day.

·         Engage and disengage and train all staff and contractors.

·         Organize and achieve all fundraising.

·         Shall serve as the face of the organization by attending important functions within the community and establishing relationships in the business community.

·         Act as financial controller and engage in fiscally safe financial practices on behalf of the foundation to ensure it operates within budgetary guidelines.

·         Work as a visionary or leader for the organization.

·         Develop both short- and long-term strategies for raising funds, developing community awareness and promoting participation in the organization by members who may be serving on a volunteer basis.

·         Lead the organization forward by implementing various programs that encourage an active organization.

·         Valuate funding requests for certain extreme emergency cases in need of medical evacuation; reconstructive surgery and other care and attention otherwise unavailable owing to funding issues. 

·         Determine how funds are dispersed.

The RINJ Foundation Annual General Meeting

·         The annual general meeting of The RINJ Foundation shall be held late August to Mid-September each year. Any member may attend.

The RINJ Foundation Financial Year

·         Year end is August 21

The RINJ Foundation Financial Accounting and Audit

·         To be assigned by The Executive Director each year in sufficient time for completion of all financial and tax reporting.

Dissolution of The RINJ Foundation

At any such time as The RINJ Foundation shall become dissolved its assets shall be converted to cash and donated to The United Way once all encumbrances and payables are resolved.


  1. ( Board Signed Constitution PDF )

  2. ( Articles of Incorporation PDF )

  3. ( Board Of Directors PDF)

  4. ( Guidelines For Board Members  PDF ) 

  5. ( Donations Information